Enterprise Modelling

Papers and reports:

Enterprise Integration - International consensus (EI-IC), EP 21859, K. Kosanke, J.G. Nell, F.B. Vernadat, M. Zelm

The EI-IC project has been established to increase international consensus on enterprise engineering and integration and to promote it in the industry with special focus on small and medium size enterprises (SMEs). The paper reports on the EI-IC project methodologies and the results achieved in both areas - building the international consensus and promoting enterprise engineering and integration in the SME community.

Competition in the global markets requires more efficient and effective business operations. New methodologies, technologies and adoption of best business practices are means to achieve competitive advantages. Investments in enterprise engineering and integration technology have to be made by the users as well as be its vendors. But fragmentation of current research activities in enterprise engineering and integration leads to competing solutions. Potential users are not employing the research results and there is no real interest of the vendors to invest in the necessary support technology.

Starting from the needs for enterprise engineering and integration and discussion of the state of the art, the paper defines a base for building consensus on the EI issues. Several workshops with international expert have been held on the research issues in enterprise engineering and integration and their results have been reported in the International Conference on Enterprise Integration and Modelling Methodologies (ICEIMT'97). Dissemination to industry has been started and more workshops will be held in several European regions.

Proc. Integration in Manufacturing, N. Martensson, R. Mackay, S. Björvinsson (Eds.) IOS Press 1998,
ISBN 90 5199 426 5.

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