Papers and reports:
A modelling language for the design and execution of enterprise models in manufacturing, J.P.O. Santos, J.J. Pinto Ferreira, J.M. Mendonca.
The paper proposed an enterprise modelling language (EML) for model-based shop floor control. EML is a computer executable language oriented on the GERAM framework and the CIMOSA language as well as on the ENV 12204. Also the ENV 13550 has been referenced for the model execution. The EML covers the design, implementation and operation life-cycle phases, allowing easy transition from one phase to the next one. To achieve model executability the model building blocks consist of an action model table (AMT) and an execution kernel. The former is an ASCII table that allows to express the behaviour using EML primitives. The latter acts as an interpreter continuously pooling the AMT and executing the actions.
The paper presents an example of an operational model to control resource behaviour. In addition, relations to CIMOSA have been verified by representing a CIMOSA model in the EML language.
Intern. Journal of CIM, Vol. 13, Nr. 1, pp 1-10