Books and Journals:
Workflow Management Systems for Process Organisations, T. Schael
The aim of the book is to develop a framework for problem solving which allows workflow management systems in business processes to be designed and implemented using models and approaches from the field of computer supported co-operative work. The design of business processes as co-operative workflows in the language/action perspective improve the overall productivity of the organisation.
The boock is well structured providing sufficient background on the paradigm shift from functional to process centred organisations and on the analysis and design of co-operative networks based on computer supported co-operative work (CSCW). The chapter on workflow management technology includes the description of several different commercial workflow management systems which are distinguished in terms of their main characteristics. Novel kinds of business process analysis are proposed, leading to interesting new combinations of information and co-operation technologies. Two field studies on distributed management processes in a training company and an overdraft management process in a bank provide insight in the application of the described concepts.
The book not only presents ways to get around the pitfalls resulting from a naive use of these technologies, but also identifies design guidelines and critical success factors.
Springer-Verlag Berlin/Heidelberg, 2nd ed. 1998, Series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science.VOL. 1096, ISBN 3-540-65304-x
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