
Joint IEC/ISO Working Group JWG15, Meeting in Nice, France

The joint work group IEC/SC 65A - TC 184/SC 5/JWG 15 held its meeting at Nice, France, on 2003-03-24/27. Attendance was from France 4, Germany 1, Italy 1, Switzerland 1, UK 1, USA 2. The meeting objective was to resolve the comments on IEC/ISO DIS 62264-2 (Part 2 Object Model Attributes) received from the ISO and IEC member countries, the major comments coming from France, UK, Germany, US and Sweden. Issues arising from the comments that were resolved during the meeting:

Most of the issues were resolved, a few have been deferred to the next meeting. The document will then be submitted for ballot to the supporting organisations by the convenor Dennis Brandl.

ISO/IEC 62264 is the first part of a set of standards in three parts, that have been developed by ISA under the name ISA–95.00.00–2000 'Enterprise-Control System Integration'. Part 1 is already FDIS, whereas Part 2 has been approved CVD as of 2003-01-10.

The next JWG15 meeting will take place on June 11/13, 2003 at BSI, London, UK. A new version of the 62264-2 document with the agreed changes will be issued by Dennis Brandl (

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