Subject: ISO TC184/SC5/WG1 Meeting Naples, Florida, 2003-01-22/24
Meeting Report (K. Kosanke)
1. Begin revision work to ISO 15704 to include economic
2. Resolve ISO DIS ballot comments to the CEN final enquiry
report on ISO/CEN 19439
3. Define new work item proposal on resource management
for extended business this objective was really to review the new
work item proposal on interoperability of business processes and business
process models.
Participants: The meeting was attended by 9 people representing 5 countries: China(1), Germany(1), Japan(1 partly), USA(4+2 partly).
Inputs: TC184 SC5 N 735 Report of voting on ISO/DIS 19439 Enterprise Integration – Framework for enterprise Modelling; Document by K. Kosanke (dated 2002-11-22), Draft for review on terminology; WG1 N433 rev. 4, Draft for new work item proposal; Presentation by Y. Chen on economic view, originally presented to SC5 at Las Vegas meeting (SC5 resolution 396).
Reports by members:
T. Williams:
1) IFAC/IFIP Task Force - no official status available;
2) ISA/SP 95 and IEC/SC 65A-ISO/TC 184/SC 5/JWG 15 –
IEC/ISO 62264 Part 1: ballot fully accepted, Part 2: IEC ballot closed,
ISO ballot to close on 2003-03-10, Part 3: work in ISA SP/95
K. Kosanke:
1) UEML project – project to be completed by end of June
2003, intention to continue under the EU 6th Framework, relations to standards
currently followed by CIMOSA Association (project partner) and D. Shorter
(associated expert);
2) CIMOSA - continues its effort in EI promotion;
3) Effort on vocabulary consistency – effort to be focussed
on SC5 standards, proposal to involve people involved in ontologies (to
be followed up by R. Martin) and relations to semantic web;
4) Additional items: a) EU project IDEAS – to be contacted
by K. Kosanke for participation in new work item proposal (NWIP = NP) on
interoperability; b) OMG Request for Proposal for Business Process Definition
– Greg Winchester to check back with OMG manufacturing application section.
K. Kosanke on behalf of David Shorter: CEN/TC 310/WG 1 – ISO/CEN 19440, Constructs for enterprise modelling – CD to be submitted to CEN for ballot.
G. Winchester: New areas discussed by SC 5: security, monitoring/diagnostics – no actions for WG1 required.
Y. Chen: Economic view – need for amendment of IS 15704 (see below).
Discussions and Conclusions:
Economic View: amendment of IS 15704 an annex will be prepared by China (Y. Chen) to describe the needs for an economic view. In addition, a new work item proposal (NP) will be prepared (J.G. Nell) on benefits of enterprise integration (EI) taking into account the existing standards (IS 14258, 15704, 19439 and 19440 as well as pre ENV 13550). This NP will include economic aspects as well as aspects of human roles in the enterprise.
Comments on ISO DIS 19439: resolutions proposed by CEN TC310/WG1 of French comments have been reviewed and China and USA comments have been discussed and proposals for resolution have been drafted. Final resolution to be done by document editor (D. Shorter).
New work item proposal on interoperability of business processes and business process models: proposal to submit the NP to the next SC5 meeting (Korea, March 2003). Potential participants will be contacted prior to the meeting.
Additional Information can be found at
J.G. Nell will end his work as WG1 convenor. NIST will
be asked to nominate a new candidate.
Back-up : either from USA or from any other country.
Jim, thank you for the good work done in the past.
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