KNOWTECH 2002 Munich, Germany

KNOWTECH 2002, 4th Conference on Application of Knowledge Management in Industry and Public Administrations, Munich, Germany, 2002-10-14/15, has been held as part of the SYSTEMS 2002 Fair. The conference was organised by BITCOM the German Association of the Information and Telecommunication Industry and New Media e.V.  Conference language German.

Following a plenary session at the first morning, nine parallel sessions with a total of 48 papers have been held at the remaining three half days addressing KM concepts, methods and technologies as well as application potentials and criteria. A special workshop was held on KnowledgeMedia – Requirements and Architectures.

  • Plenary session: the German Ministry of Economy and Technology (Bundes-Ministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie - BMWi) announced a support program for development and test of new technologies for KM in SMEs and Public Administrations ( The aim is to develop reference models that demonstrate the value added through KM applications. Other papers in the session addressed the importance of information in the global market (Bäurer), value oriented KM strategies (Götz), KM at Porsche (Unterberger, Neuwirth) and effective integration of content, IT applications and business processes.
  • KM value added and potentials: 5 papers addressing the role of KM in the enterprise: organisational intelligence as a critical success factor in the global environment (Graf), Realising value-adding KM in the enterprise (Reinisch), KM support for successful merger of SME-type consulting companies (Sackarendt), KM potentials for savings and quality increase (Ladwig and Peters), Does net-based learning leads to more knowledge? (Stiehler-Lorentz, et al).
  • Methods and success factors: 5 papers presenting the way KM is developed in the enterprise: KM – the unknown problem? (Eckardt), Enterprises problems need individual KM solutions (Spallek), KM in industry groups (Vopel), KM with organisational network analysis Westermeyr), Knowledge control – Model for derivation of knowledge goals (Zobel).
  • Portals: 6 papers showing particular KM implementations in web environments: Start control – the path to investment transparency (Ziegler), Inter-enterprise competence management using the integration platform logistics (Felser), Competitive intelligent system using Myax KM 2.0 (Rüss), A KM solution for the energy supply industry (Strobel), Productivity increase through mobile personal portals (Gutknecht), Management portals at Freudenberg-Group (Schulz).
  • Innovative concepts: 6 papers discussing new KM related concepts: Different data models for KM and business intelligence (Rustige), Sparks of innovation - the way to innovation supported KM in project environments (Hormess and Stoyan), Evaluation of the efficiency of KM information systems (Köhler and Krieger), KM in network enterprises (Schrewe et al), Experience report on enterprise cost reduction through KM (Huthmacher), KM in internet news markets for journalists, etc. (Autenrieth).
  • Applications: 5 papers demonstrating the value of KM in the enterprise: KM in Bertelsmann – the de-centralisation paradigm (Stief), Process oriented KM in the early phases of product design ((Wagner), Process orientation in KM (Kamphusman), Quality oriented knowledge capturing in the enterprise (Farnschläder and Stoyan), Integrated knowledge and quality management in the construction industry (Hauß and Herrman).
  • Process design: 6 papers illustrating different aspects of process design: KM after the hype (Huber), KM with the software map (Schmid and Petkoff), Experience report on strategic KM (Bachmann and Schroeder), KM - how to profit from the know-how of others (Keller and Zimmermann), Ubiquitous KM –prototype for mobile KM (Lehner and Berger), Business oriented KM in the EAI project (Luhr).
  • Content management: 5 papers describing relevant technologies: Information retrieval and text mining technologies for the establishment of information systems for capturing and dissemination of expert knowledge (Birmazubute and Stoyan), Content management – future technology for enterprise information portals (Zeithamer), KM services with XML and XSLT: theorie, praxis and future (Häferer), Virtual knowledge groups for support of knowledge exchange in organisations and organisational networks (Brückner), TRUST: KM in knowledge intensive problem-solving processes in virtual automotive clusters (Wagner and Mirtschink).
  • Semantic web: 5 papers emphasising different aspects of this new technology: How semantic structures support maintenance and search in knowledge data bases (Kollewe), Semantic based KM – an application in the human resource environment (Mädche), Semantic knowledge retrieval (Scnurr), Why has the semantic web still a low recognition in KM? (Fillies at al), KM with FRED – task delegation to an electronic butler (Smolle).
  • Integration concepts: 5 papers identifying technologies for KM integration: KM in a global organisation (Lünenborg), B2B customer portals – value added use of resource knowledge (Mockwitz), Internal portal as key for efficient KM (Tillman and Tangemann), Pragmatic way to an efficient enterprise KM (Diamantidis), TIME2Research – a knowledge prtal for enterprise analysts (Tempich).

The conference proceedings have been printed by the University of Colorado, International Centre for Standards Research, ISBN 0-7803-9817-3

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