Editor: Martin Zelm, Gehenbuehlstr. 18A, D-70499
The CIMOSA - News is published by the CIMOSA Association.
The CIMOSA News will report on CIMOSA applications, evolution of its technical
specification, advancements in standardisation and related items. Contributions
from other parties are welcome. The CIMOSA - News will be printed periodically
and is also available in the internet at
- Working group 1 on the increase of model life cycle phases, for details see , under FORUM
- Working group 2 on formal requirements for modelling
languages, details are provided at
(visitors use ID: ‘ENV12204Standard’, PW: ‘standard’)
- working group 3 on harmonisation with ODP, a subject meeting was held in Berlin, 2000-09-28.
CEN TC310/WG1 held a meeting in Frankfurt, Germany, 2000-08/23/24, preparing the first draft version for the new work item on enterprise modelling framework (up-date of ENV 40003). Next meeting in London, UK, 2000-12-11/12.
ISO TC 184/SC5/WG1 held a meeting in Gaithersburg,
USA, 2000-09-11/13 , continueing work item on model interoperability
and review input from CEN meeting Frankfurt.
Next meeting in Paris, France, 2001-01-16/18.
Note: More detailed reports are available on this site under 'News from Events'
KnowTech2000 International Conference, at Leipzig/Germany,
2000-09-05/08 was attended by 500 participants from industry, consulting
and academia. Enterprise Modelling moves towards user controlled process
modelling techniques. Benefits are visualisation of processes, easier model
design and model maintenance by the user, more transparency of the entire
system and improved decision support. Preferred modelling application:
strategic enterprise processes.
Some issues:
- Proposed solutions are often limited to specific types
of business process (reference models), proprietary applications or infrastructures.
- Many solutions are built on large frozen reference
models rather than on re-usable smaller building blocks.
- How to integrate business process models and information
models? The Object Oriented paradigm and UML or XML are widely used and
accepted for information modelling. Dynamic modelling of process chains
is often done with ARIS. However, limitations of ARIS are recognised in
the area process behaviour types and complexity of the process structure
The papers of the conference proceedings (many in German)
can be downloaded from the Web site
TIC 2000 Technologies for Information and Communication
conference, Institute EERIE of the École des Mines d’Alès,
at Nimes, France, 2000-09-11/13. The conference was attended by about 120
people mostly from France. About 65 papers have been presented in a total
of 7 sessions including two plenary invited lectures. The sessions covered
subjects like Manufacturing Systems and Knowledge Management, Systems Engineering,
Enterprise Integration and Management, Software Systems Engineering.
Invited papers provided a very good introduction and
overview of the different fields addressed. Especially papers on system
integration to systems engineering, man-machine interfaces and ICT, computer-mediated
co-operation brought out thoughts relevant to our own work.
Two workshops covering themes of Knowledge and Multimedia
Dynamic Management Systems and Automotive Systems complemented the conference.
ASI’2000, ICIMS – NOE conference on life cycle
approaches to production systems management, control and supervision jointly
held with the workshop on 'Integration In Manufacturing & Beyond' (IIMB’2000),
at Bordeaux, France, 2000-09-18/20 and was attended by about 150 people.
More than 60 papers have been presented in 16 sessions
The sessions covered themes like Product Innovation Systems,
Integrated Communication Network Systems, Knowledge and Model Based Systems,
Integrating Human and Technical Capital, Intelligent Decision Support.
Two key note papers highlighted the role of IT in the
control, globalisation and integration of industry and its role in the
automobile of the future, respectively. Both addressed the problems of
paradigm shift and the need for new types of organisation. E.g. automotive
design is still governed by mechanical design in spite of the ever increasing
role of IT in control and user support functionalities.
Conference proceedings will be available from ICIMS –
NOE. Contact: Peter Groumpos
BASYS 2000, 4th IFIP/IEEE Intern Conference on
Information Technology for Balanced Automation Systems in Manufacturing
and Transportation held at Berlin, Germany, 2000-09-27/29 was attended
by about 100 people. About 60 papers have been presented in a total of
24 sessions covering a large range of subjects like IT in Transportation,
Knowledge and Information Management, Human and Social Aspects, Electronic
Business, Applications in Virtual Enterprises.
Three workshops covering themes like Multi-Agent Systems,
Air Traffic Control and Data Management complemented the conference.
Conference proceedings: Advances in Networked Enterprises
– Virtual Organisations, Balanced Automation and Systems Integration, L.M.
Camarinha-Matos, H. Afsarmanesh, H-H. Erbe, (Eds), Kluwer, 2000, ISBN 0-7923-7958-6.
e-2000 European Conference on New Methods of Work
and Electronic Commerce, sponsored by European Commission IST Programme
Key Action II, at Madrid, Spain, 2000-10-18/20. The conference was attended
by about 500 peo-ple. More than 170 papers have been presented in a total
of 47 sessions covering a large range of subjects in the area of theme
of the conference like Mobile e-Commerce and e-Work, Legal Issues
and Security, Content and Knowledge Management, Supply Chains, Electronic
Trading, Skills and Training.
The needs for global standards was highlighted in a plenary
paper on the mobile information society and the memorandum of understanding
between IEC, ISO, ITU and the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
was cited as an example of this common understanding.
Conference Proceedings: E-Business: Key Issues, Application
and Technologies, B. Stanford-Smith, P.T. Kidd, (Editors), IOS Press, 2000,
ISBN 1-58603-089-2.
The COVE Project, sponsored by IFIP TC5, COVE (Co-operation
Infrastructure for Virtual Enter-prises and Electronic Business) held its
start up workshop at Berlin, Germany, 2000-09-29.
The project plans to assess research results and practices
in the field of virtual enterprises and electronic business, leading to
the design of common reference models, infrastructures supporting co-operation
and the prospect of further collaborative developments. The work will be
based on cluster/forum of participants and projects active in the field
COVE is lead by Prof. Luis Camarinha-Matos, New University
of Lisbon, Portugal,
Next meeting will take place at the PRO-VE2000 event (see below).
The Knowledge Management Forum project was announced at e-2000 soliciting people to contribute to a European knowledge base on B2B applications, define common approaches and related standards. Contact:
Course on Enterprise Modelling & Integration: The department of Production Economics at the University of Linköping, Sweden recently conducted a course for doctoral students on Enter-prise Modelling and Integration. The course consists of four parts:
New inputs on publications and activities of the COA and more detailed reports on the above conferencesand events, have been added to the data base of the CIMOSA Web site
‘Enterprise Engineering and Integration - Why and How',
a primer on concepts, purpose and business value, CIMOSA Association, private
‘CIMOSA - a primer on key concepts, purpose and business
value’, CIMOSA Association. This brochure as well as other selected papers,
abstracts and literature hyperlinks are available at
CIMOSA Association
The CIMOSA Association (COA) is a non-profit organisation involved in promotion of Enterprise Engineering and Integration based on CIMOSA and its active support in national, European and international standardisation. COA members are industrial and research organisations.