Editor: Martin Zelm, Gehenbuehlstr. 18A, D-70499 Stuttgart,
The CIMOSA - News is published by the CIMOSA Association.
The CIMOSA News will report on CIMOSA applications, evolution of its technical
specification, advancements in standardisation and related items. Contributions
from other parties are welcome. The CIMOSA - News will be printed periodically
and is also available in the internet at
More Information on ICEIMT'02 - IEMC'02
The International Conference on Enterprise Integration Modelling Technology will be held at the University of Valencia, Spain on April 24-26, 2002
The conference will present current status in inter and intra-organizational integration for electronic commerce as well as to disseminate results from the preceding workshops. Application areas include business-to-business, e-business, e-commerce, extended and virtual enterprises and supply chains. The conference will focus on the following themes:A series of workshops with a limited number of invited experts and each with a specific topic will precede the conference. Highlights of the workshop results and recommendations will form the core of the conference presentations. Sessions will start with an overview paper and the related workshop reports followed by a number of papers addressing specific items relevant for the particular theme like particular issues, results of research work, industry applications, standardization activities. The first workshop will be held at the EADS Corporate Research Centre, Paris on December 05/07, 2001. More information can be found at our web site
- Common enterprise knowledge (capture, organization, representation, management and use)
- Standard enterprise-modelling languages (representation of universally recognized languages)
- Achievement and measurement of inter- and intra-organizational integration
- Infrastructures and tools for enterprise interoperability
- Standards and common terminology useful for enterprise integration and modelling
INCOM 2001 - 10th IFAC Symposium on In-formation Control Problems in Manufacturing, Vienna, Austria, 01-09-20/22, was attended by about 60 people. Two survey papers focussed on the need for integration of the systems engineering approach with the control engineering one and the increased use of intelligent techniques in manu-facturing, respectively. The latter one presented important steps ranging from pattern recognition to hybrid AI and holonic and agent technologies. Organised in 14 partly parallel sessions with more than 40 papers, a wide variety of themes has been covered including architectures, formal models and methods on automation, modelling and simulation, and education and training. An invited session on enterprise interoperability provided surveys on enterprise modelling methods and standardisation identifying their limitations and work to be done. Information
e 2001 e-Business and e-Work Conference, Venice, Italy, 01-10-17/19, attended by about 550 people. Organised in 3 plenary and 56 parallel sessions a total of 155 papers have been presented. The papers cover both human factors like management, work, users, customers, trust & security and business aspects and consideration: knowledge management, platforms and standards as well as applications in various industries and others: manufacturing, construction, retail, media and entertainment, and government and regional development. Proceedings are available on CD ROM and in printed version (two volumes with more than 1200 pages). E-work and E-commerce by B. Stanford-Smith, E. Chiozza (Editors), IOS Press ISBN 1 58603 205 4
eManufacturing and BizTalk Symposium, Karlsruhe, Germany, 01-10-18, had the goal to elaborate on drivers and barriers of B2B applications and aspects of eManufacturing, both from the viewpoint of users and IT vendors. Main barriers for users are: Missing data semantic, confidence in the system reliability and IT security as well as common understanding of the processes and effective, open communication. Hence, users indicated most urgent needs in improved standards, application services, simulation opportunities, eLearning and education for the new organisation. The vendors point of view - presented by a market leader - emphasised the challenge of integration of applications, a trend towards distributed application services delivered via enterprise networks or the internet (web services), more standardisation via inter-application protocols and to put priorities on the large volume evolving market segments as office and mobile communication. Information
COVE Project (sponsored by IFIP TC5). A sub-group meeting was held during the e 2001 conference in Venice, 01-10-17. Focus was on generic concepts for structuring and presenting virtual enterprises and on concise definitions for the relevant terminology. Meeting results will be discussed further in the COVE project especially at the next sub-group meeting in Budapest (to be held during the Prolamat conference).
IFAC/IFIP Taskforce, Section on UEML (Unified Enterprise Modelling Language) Workshop, Vienna, Austria, 01-09-19, a proposal on core constructs based on ARIS, CIMOSA, GRAI-GIM, FirstSTEP, IEM and IDEF has been presented by F. Vernadat. Concerns like relation between organisation cell and decision centre, role versus resource, representation of process behaviour have been discussed and solutions proposed. Further activities aim at developing core constructs that will serve 1) as standard user inter-face to access existing Enterprise Modelling tools 2) as neutral model exchange format among tools and 3) as basis for building Enterprise Repositories deployed via shared enterprise model servers.
Section on GERAM (Generalised Enterprise Ref-erence Architecture
and Methodology) sub-group meeting was held during the e 2001 conference
in Venice, 01-10-19. Results from the Vienna meeting have been presented.
Additional discussions were on the framework and reference architecture
for virtual enterprises as presented at the conference by the Globmen project
and on the future of the Task Force. Intentions are to complete it and
present a final report at the IFAC’02 World Congress in Barcelona, Spain.
CEN TC310/WG1 meeting: Frankfurt, Germany, 01-10-30/31 was cancelled due to unavailability of ballot results on ENV 40003 up-date.
ISO TC 184/SC5/WG4 meeting: Washington/DC, USA, 01-10-07/09
for information see
Next meeting Frankfurt, Germany, 2002-01-15/17.
IEC/ISO Joint Working Group JWG15 on Enterprise Control
Systems Integration, meeting Paris, France 01-11-07/09.
The CIMOSA Association (COA) is a non-profit organisation involved in promotion of Enterprise Engineering and Integration based on CIMOSA and its active support in national, European and international standardisation. COA members are industrial and research organisations.