Vol. 9/1,  date 2002-02-22
ISSN 1618-1646

Editor: Martin Zelm, Gehenbuehlstr. 18A, D-70499 Stuttgart,

The CIMOSA - News is published by the CIMOSA Association. The CIMOSA News will report on CIMOSA applications, evolution of its technical specification, advancements in standardisation and related items. Contributions from other parties are welcome. The CIMOSA - News will be printed periodically and is also available in the internet at

More Information on the ICEIMT'02 Conference
The ICEIMT’02 - International Conference on Enter-prise Integration Modelling Technology: Univer-sity of Valencia, Spain, 2002.04.24-26. Attended by over 70 people from industry and academia, the focus was on inter and intra-organizational integration for e-commerce. The conference had a single stream of presentations and the agenda was organised according to the themes and sequence of the workshops. These are: Each theme session started with an overview paper on the subject followed by the workgroup reports. Papers on selected topics supplemented the information obtained from the workgroups. The opening sessions started with welcome addresses by the Valencia regional government and the University followed by presentations from the two main sponsors – the European Commission and the National Institute of Standards and Technology - and a keynote paper on enterprise modelling. A special session near the end of the conference provided information on international projects. With participants approval, the closing session of the conference was changed to an interactive discussion on the future of the initiative on international consensus.

The discussion identified discrete areas of need. These are listed below in no particular order. Discussants had diversity of opinion on priorities. Everyone agreed that the core emphasis on enterprise integration must be maintained. Also, voices expressed unanimous agreement that the interdisciplinary approach to the work be emphasized. Most participants seemed to agree that the primary focus should be on consistently improving solutions and the supply of practitioners rather than attracting users.
In supporting the "supply" side, all agreed that the future of the community should be taken into its own hands as an international concern rather than relying on forthcoming support from the EU as the driving factor. Independently, the immense influence of the web indicates that the EI community needs to be more active in relevant web developments.

List of identified needs and actions:

These abstracts of the presentations will be pub-lished on the CIMOSA web site as soon as the server will become available again (currently out of service due to continuous hacker attacks). The conference proceedings will be published by Kluwer Academic Publishers and will become available in August 2002.

Reports from the preceding EI3-IC workshops

Workshop 4: Common representation of enterprise models, IPK Fraunhofer, Berlin, 02-02-20-22, with two working groups. The main focus of WG1 was on user enabled process modelling, trying to identify the pros and cons of model re-engineering for decision support by the people involved in the process to be changed. WG2 focused on radical, but practical strategies for greatly improving enterprise modelling and process modelling in an enterprise context. The group’s work centred on improving user benefits in the context of common models, enterprise context and enterprise views. Major problems addressed: multiworld views, soft modelling and meta-modelling theories. Several research projects have been proposed.