Editor: Martin Zelm, Gehenbuehlstr. 18A, D-70499 Stuttgart,
The CIMOSA - News is published by the CIMOSA Association.
The CIMOSA News will report on CIMOSA applications, evolution of its technical
specification, advancements in standardisation and related items. Contributions
from other parties are welcome. The CIMOSA - News will be printed periodically
and is also available in the internet at
EI3-IC Initiative
ICEIMT’02 - International Conference on Enter-prise Integration Modelling Technology: Univer-sity of Valencia, Spain, 02-04-24-26. The confer-ence proceedings have been completed and are to become available from Kluwer Academic pub-lisher at mid October (ISBN is 1-4020-7277-5). With more than 440 pages the proceedings provide a very comprehensive overview on Enterprise Inter- and Intra-Organisational Integration. In addition to the conference papers workgroup reports present the results from the four workshops that preceded the conference and which include rec-ommendations for research work and specific projects in the areas addressed by the workshops:Summaries of the papers are available at the CIMOSA web site,
- Knowledge management in inter- and intra-organization environments (Workshop 1)
- Enterprise inter- and intra-organization engi-neering and integration (Workshop 2)
- Interoperability of business processes and en-terprise models (Workshop 3)
- Common representation of enterprise models (Workshop 4).
The conference proceedings will be published by Kluwer Academic Publishers and will become available in October 2002. For oder information, please contact Kluwer Academic Publishers, P.O. Box358, Accord Station, Hingham, MA, USA 02018-0358, Tel 781-871-6600, Fax 781-681-9045, eMail . For orders outside Northe, Central and South America, please contact : Kluwer Academic Publiahers, P.O. Box 322, NL-3300 AH Dordrecht, The Netherlands, Tel +31-785-576-422, Fax +31-786-576-474, eMail . Conference Proceedings: USD 150.00, EUR 158.00, GBP 100.00 .
UEML (Unified Enterprise Modelling Language), EU
Project IST–2001–34229, has started in March 2002 and intends to provide
industry with a unified and expandable Modelling Language. The following
key work areas are addressed:
Other dissemination activities include conference
presentations, network membership meetings. A dissemination workshop is
scheduled for October 18, as part of the e2002 Conference in Prague,
For more information contact the Project Manager Professor Guy Doumeingts, GRAISOFT, Bordeaux, ( )
Tools Study “Business Process Management Tools - an evaluating market study of current tools” . The objective of the study performed by the IAO Fraunhofer Institute, Stuttgart, Germany has been to provide business users with an overview and evaluation of commercial Business Process Management (BPM) tools in order to support them in selecting the best fitting tool for their individual requirements.
A total of 32 BPM tools, split into five categories have been investigated. Categories are: process visualisation, process modelling, process simulation, workflow management and computer aided software engineering. Eleven criteria have been defined and applied to evaluate each tool: Architecture and configuration capabilities, Range of application areas, Model Views concept - to reduce the complexity of the presentation, Modelling methods – the underlying concepts, Modelling process – how to create a model, Model Integrity protection, User support, Capabilities for analysis, simulation and optimisation, Import/export facilities, Internet functionalities, Documentation and ease-of-learning. These criteria have been applied in reference scenarios used for testing the tools. Three scenarios were defined: A) Documentation of a set of as-is processes to describe a quality management system, B) Identification, documentation and optimisation of resource intensive processes, C) organisation development with a distributed team of experts. For process modelling tools, the total score results are not very different. ARIS receives the highest total score.
The Study (in German), can be purchased from the IAO-Fraunhofer Institute, Stuttgart, Germany,
DELMIA Toolset for Product/ Process Modelling. DELMIA -a subsidiary of DASSAULT Systems - offers a tool set for modelling and simulation of the manufacturing processes, material flow, equipment planning and factory lay out in the automotive and aerospace industry. The overall goal is to support the roadmap towards the data integrated 'Digital Manufacturing Enterprise'.
In the methodology of modelling and simulation with the DELMIA tool set three model views are defined, namely that of product, process and resource. Modelling begins with the product information available in the 3D-CAD models and other product data descriptions. Process modelling starts with the static process representation following the principle of action-condition and defining resources and consumed resource time for each process step. The resource information is also modelled in the resource view. Each process step can make references/links to the product model e.g. to product objects or object views (sets of attributes). The third step concerns the dynamic process simulation to capture activity based cost, time, buffers, bottlenecks , resource utilisation etc. The model is further refined by adding events, statistical parameter distributions and allows to apply multiple resources to an activity - for instance worker and machine at one activity. In addition, a 3D-animation presents the simulation of the material flow. All needed information is provided from the common data base and can be accessed from the proprietary infrastructure without interfaces.
The set of DELMIA modelling tools work on one common data
base and infrastructure and , hence enables decision support for manufacturing
process planning and control of the shop floor operation. For more information
ISO TC 184 SC5 WG4 held its meeting on Manufacturing software capability profiling for interoperability at Chemitz-Klaffenberg, Germany, on 2002-08-21/23. Subjects of the meeting were ISO DIS 1600-1 Part 1: Framework and ISO WD 1600-3 Part 3: Interface, Protocols and Templates. The next meeting will be in Tokyo, Japan, 2002-11-13/15. For information on WG4 contact
CEN TC 310 WG1 will held its next meeting at VDMA in Frankfurt, Germany, on 2002-09-12/13. Subjects of the meeting are CEN/ISO WD 19440 Language Constructs for Enterprise Modelling and CEN NWI on Decisional Reference Model (see below).
CEN NWI: Enterprise Integration - Decisional Reference Model will define the generic concepts and rules needed to enable the creation of a particular enterprise decisional model for industrial business and to provide support for the use of the reference model by industrial enterprises to achieve better enterprise integration through consistent and integrated enterprise-wide decision-making. The NWI will complement existing standards in enterprise integration like ISO 15704, EN ISO 19439 (revision of ENV 40003) and EN ISO 19440 (revision of 12204). (Source: N943 , dated 2002-07-20, author David Chen). The NWI is out for ballot.
The CIMOSA Association (COA) is a non-profit organisation involved in promotion of Enterprise Engineering and Integration based on CIMOSA and its active support in national, European and international standardisation. COA members are industrial and research organisations.