Editor: Martin Zelm, Gehenbuehlstr. 18A, D-70499 Stuttgart,
The CIMOSA - News is published by the CIMOSA Association.
The CIMOSA News will report on CIMOSA applications, evolution of its technical
specification, advancements in standardisation and related items. Contributions
from other parties are welcome. The CIMOSA - News will be printed periodically
and is also available in the internet at
EI3-IC InitiativeICEIMT’02 - International Conference on Enterprise Integration Modelling Technology: University of Valencia, Spain, 02-04-24-26. The Conference Proceedings titled 'Enterprise Inter- and Intra-Organizational Integration - Building International Consensus' are now available from Kluwer Academic Publishers (ISBN is 1-4020-7277-5). For more information, please contact Kluwer Academic Publishers, P.O. Box358, Accord Station, Hingham, MA, USA 02018-0358, Tel 781-871-6600, Fax 781-681-9045, eMail . For orders outside North, Central and South America, please contact : Kluwer Academic Publiahers, P.O. Box 322, NL-3300 AH Dordrecht, The Netherlands, Tel +31-785-576-422, Fax +31-786-576-474, eMail . Conference Proceedings: USD 150.00, EUR 158.00, GBP 100.00 .
Summaries of the papers are available at the CIMOSA web site,
UEML (Unified Enterprise Modelling Language), EU Project has held a Dissemination workshop attended by 52 persons during the e2002 Conference, Prague on October 18, 2002. Besides presentations on state of the art, the first set of requirements, initial constructs and the project portal, a comprehensive interactive session with comments and discussion took place. The comments are answered by project experts and have been incorporated in the language requirements, respectively.
This dissemination workshop was part of the project strategy to set-up an UEML thematic network that is being established via 4 Membership meetings and 2 Dissemination workshops. Experts from IT-Users, Consulting Companies, IT-Vendors, Research Organisations, Universities, Standardisation Bodies and Associations are invited to participate. Two membership meetings have been held to capture and discuss UEML and language requirements. Further workshops are scheduled in:
Status of the project workpackages:
The new version of FirstSTEP 5.0 Toolset Suite, of
Interfacing Technology of Montreal, Canada is comprising the recently announced
Designer 5.0, the Charter 5.0 and the Enterprise Process Center (EPC).
The Toolset provides
1) a hierarchy of business processes is modelled with
either one of the tools Designer or Charter (built on MS VISIO),
2) the CIMOSA methodology guiding through the Process
Framework, creating process hierarchies, links to important enterprise
information, performance data and objects as well as organisational ownership,
goals and accountability for each process and
3) the Enterprise Process Center (EPC), a web enabled
portal designed for process-centric enterprises supporting process management,
and to make related content and knowledge available to everybody in the
customers organisation.
Typical application domains are: Application management, availability management, process creation, resource availability allocation and planning, performance measures definition, process monitoring, job scheduling. For more information visit .
The EDEN TM framework and software of Indutec, is a modelling environment for knowledge mapping in particular projects as a variant of the generic knowledge maps available in the EDEN TM software. The modelling methodology and associated route guides users in a comprehensive life cycle approach.
Recently, Indutech has started a project for using EDEN TM as the internal knowledge management system. The roadmap structure capability of the tool has been used to develop a knowledge management categorisation structure for storing all the general company related documentation. This enables all personnel to have access to all company information. The additional information section of EDEN TM is used to communicate work instructions procedures and guidelines for specific tasks. Different databases can be set up for each sub-project as a working environment for team members of a sub-project, as well as an overall project view of all the activities within a project.. For more info see the Indutec Newsletter, November 2002 ,
KNOWTECH 2002, 4th Conference on Application of Knowledge Management in Industry and Public Administrations, Munich, Germany, 2002-10-14/15, organised by BITCOM the German Association of the Information and Telecommunication Industry and New Media e.V. (German language). Plenary session: the German Ministry of Economy and Technology announced a support program for development and test of new technologies for KM in SMEs and Public Administrations ( The aim is to develop reference models that demonstrate the value added through KM applications. Furthermore, 48 papers have been presented addressing KM concepts, methods and technologies as well as application potentials and criteria.
e-2002 (eBusiness and eWork) held in Prague, Czekia on October 16-18, 2002 was the twelfth in a series of annual conferences, with over 500 participants. The scope of the e2002 was on the initiative in New Methods of Work and Electronic Commerce (Key Action II), which is part of the European Commission’s Information Society Technologies (IST) Programme.
The conference proceedings contain a total of 218 papers, mostly about EU projects. The papers are organised in 24 sections among it Supply Chain Management, Virtual Organisations and Knowledge Management. One highlight: Katzy and Horodyskiy report about the state of the art of Reference Architectures for Virtual Organisations, structuring the concepts into change management, network organisations, network typologies and lifecycle.
SCM’2002, Conference on Production Systems Design, Supply Chain Management and Logistics in Miedzyzdroje, Poland on 2002-10-23/25. About 150 people attended the conference, the proceedings contain a total of 68 papers. One highlight: Performance measurements for the supply chain presented by Neubert and Pichot. The work is aimed on defining a methodology to choose indicators from world-wide standards (CEN TC 273, SCOR Model) and is based on the balanced scorecard methodology.
More details about the above conferences can be found at and there under 'NEWS from EVENTS' .
CEN TC 310 WG1 has held a meeting in Frankfurt on 2002-09-12/13. Subject was EN ISO 19440 on language constructs for enterprise modelling. One result has been to reduce the three Resource constructs (Resource, Cell and Component) to one construct Resource. The NWI proposal on Decisional Reference Model has been accepted. Next meeting will take place in Paris on 2002-12-02/03.
ISO TC 184 SC5/WG1 and WG4 will held their meeting in Naples, Florida, USA on 2003-01-21/24. Topics are ballot review on EN ISO 19439, Framework for Enterprise Modelling, ISO 16100 Manufacturing software capability profiling for interoperability and a new work item on interoperability of processes and process models.
The CIMOSA Association (COA) is a non-profit organisation involved in promotion of Enterprise Engineering and Integration based on CIMOSA and its active support in national, European and international standardisation. COA members are industrial and research organisations.