Vol. 11/1,  date 2004-03-15
ISSN 1618-1646

Editor: Martin Zelm, Gehenbuehlstr. 18A, D-70499 Stuttgart,

The CIMOSA - News is published by the CIMOSA Association. The CIMOSA News will report on CIMOSA applications, evolution of its technical specification, advancements in standardisation and related items. Contributions from other parties are welcome. The CIMOSA - News will be printed periodically and is also available in the internet at


The ICEIMT series of conferences 1992, 1997 and 2002 was originally started as a strategic initiative of the United States and the European Union to harmonise research activities on enterprise integration, to build consensus on relevant contents and terminology and to make recommendations to industry and research.

Key topics of the next ICEIMT’04 to be held in Toronto, Canada on 2004-10-09/11, will be Enterprise Modelling and Tools, Reference Models, Architecture Frameworks, Common Ontologies, Standardisation, human and social aspects to achieve common understanding and consensus. Deadline for paper submission is May 15, 2004. Find more details on

BITKOM, the German Association for Information Technology, Telecommunication and New Media with over 700 member companies is involved via several working groups on industry policies, business administration and technology.
The Working Group Knowledge Engineering & Management
(KME) held a workshop out of a series of workshops at ORACLE , Munich, Germany on March 04, 2004 which was attended by 42 participants from Universities, Associations, KM consultants and solution implementers. Three expert groups address the topics, quality and metrics, reference models and profiles and on soft factors, culture and management The workshop topics ‘KM employment through Europe – an empirical survey, by J. Edler, ISI-FhG Karlsruhe, Measuring KM impacts on communication, by H. Angerer, Siemens, a Case study on search engine usability with complex algorithms, by M. Spies University Munich, and Metrics in a knowledge base for skill management by M. Irrgang, Thales, Berlin.
Also, the status of the BITKOM Direct project was presented, a knowledge portal with the goal to support the BITKOM member companies, to provide a public dissemination site and a collaboration platform for experts.
A first pilot of BITKOM Direct will be implemented in 4th Q 2004. Next KME Workshop 2004-05-05 at Bertelsmann, Berlin. For more information (in German) see

BPM Tools

The FirstSTEP Toolset 5 of Interfacing Technologies composed of the FS Designer, the FS Charter operating on MS-Visio and the Enterprise Process Center (EPC) has been further upgraded: In addition to the available features of the EPC, e.g. business process management capabilities designed for multi-user process modelling and real-time process collaboration in a web based portal, new features have been added in EPC Version 3. Examples are: Role/User based activities and multiple roles for resources /Auto-generated Process Swimlane views by Organisational Units, Roles, Resources / Real-time management of multiple projects at once / Support parallel execution, conditional branching and loop back.

For more information please visit, or the new representative in Germany: Nemetz Informationsverarbeitung,

The JWG 15 of IEC/SC 65A-ISO/TC 184/SC 5 held a meeting at AFNOR, France on 2004-01-14/16, with 12 participants attending. Major work topics and resolutions on the 62264 standard have been: 1) Review of 62264-2, English version completed, introduction to be revised, French version draft available by February 2004. 2) How to generate 62264-3: Is part 3 normative or just informative? Possible sources could be S95 Part 3, Decisional Reference Model (CEN TC 310 WG1), Economic View (SC5 WG1), or PSLX (Production Scheduling Language Consortium). The scope of the standard is focussing on industrial applications, not on services, banking or government. Further, a guidance how to use the standard will be generated. 3) The product definitions defined in TC 184 plenary must be taken into account by referencing the relevant ISO standards. The next JWG15 meeting will take place Bordeaux, France 2004-06-16/18. Contact the convenor Dennis Brandl, dnbrandl

Publication Reviews

In addition to several journal articles that have been reviewed and the results published on the CIMOSA web site, we have reviewed two ICE proceedings which are also available at our web site. The proceedings are from the ICE conferences 2002 and 2003 held in Rome, ItalyEspoo, Finland, respectively. The review focuses on papers relevant to concurrent engineering, virtual organisations, project management in networked organisations, e-Business and B2B technologies and their applications, enterprise modelling, knowledge management, industrial case studies, and training and education. and

CIMOSA Association