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Reports from Events{short description of image}


Editor: Martin Zelm, Hempenkamp 26, D-22359 Hamburg

Vol. 17.2  CIMOSA News will appear online only 
Vol 17.1  CIMOSA History 1984 - 2009 has been published

{short description of image} 10-03-15{short description of image}

Vol. 16.2 'Framework for  Enterprise Interoperabilty' , the standard CEN/ISO 11354-1 reaches  DIS level

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Vol. 16.1 'Requirements for establishing Manuifacturing Enterprise Process Interoperabilty' defined in CEN/ISO 11354 CD standard

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Vol. 15.2  INTEROP-VLab participates in major European events and is focussing on eGoverment interoperability

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Vol. 15.1 Fourth I-ESA Conference held with 51 papers and 183 participants 

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Vol. 14.2  Fourth I-ESA Conference, 'EI Research meets Industry, Berlin 2008-03-25/28

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Vol. 14.1  INTEROP project completed, INTEROP-VLab becomes follow-up

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Vol. 13.3  INTEROP project starts to collect the achieved results

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Vol. 13.2 Third I-ESA Conference  announced, to take place in Madeira 2007-03-26/30

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Vol. 13.1   Second I-ESA Conference  held with  76 papers and 240 participants
Vol. 12.3   Second I-ESA Conference announced, will take place  in Bordeaux 2006-03-22/24
Vol. 12.2   INTEROP has started second project phase with an enhanced development plan

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Vol. 12.1   INTEROP-ESA'05 held successfully in Geneva with 56 papers and 150 participants

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Vol. 11.3   INTEROP-ESA'05 announced, will take place on 2005-02-21/25 in Geneva, Switzerland

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Vol. 11.2 Reminder: ICEIMT'04 at Toronto, Canada,  October 09-11, 2004,
INTEROP has introduced a collaboration platform
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Vol. 11.1  ICEIMT'04 at Toronto, Canada,  deadline for paper proposal is 2004-05-15 

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Vol. 10.4   ICEIMT'04 announced, will take place on 2004-10-09/11 at Toronto, Canada 

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Vol. 10.3   INTEROP, a Network of Excellence to support research integration, has been granted 

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Vol. 10.2  The UEML 1.0 Core Language has been defined with other project deliverables 

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Vol. 10.1  The UEML Project aims to provide industry with a unified and expandable modelling language 

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Vol. 9.4  The EI3-IC Initiative has been completed, the Proceedings are available from Kluwer Academic Publishers 

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Vol. 9.3  Proceedings of the ICEIMT'02 Conference available from Kluwer Academic Publishers 

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Vol. 9.2  ICEIMT'02 Conference was held April 24-26  and has identified needs and actions

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Vol. 9.1  ICEIMT'02 Conference on Enterprise Integration Modelling Technology: preceding workshops completed 

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Vol. 8.3 ICEIMT'02 Conference and preceding workshops defined 

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Vol. 8.2 Conference on Enterprise Integration Modelling Technology announced 

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Vol. 8.1 CEN/ISO have reviewed new inputs on process interoperability 

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Vol.7.3 : Contributions for CEN/ISO new work items on enterprise engineering and integration received 

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Vol 7.2 : Workshop has prepared inputs for CEN/ISO new work items on enterprise engineering and integration 

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Vol 7.1 : Upcoming workshop on evolution of enterprise engineering and integration 

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Vol 6.4 : Computers in Industry special issue with 20 papers about CIMOSA 

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Vol 6.3 : New Web site for EE&I offering actual information on modelling, ICT support and standardisation 

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Vol 6.2 : New Web site for ‘Enterprise Engineering and Integration’ (EE&I) with abstract services, forum etc 

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Vol 6.1 : ‘Enterprise Engineering and Integration - why and how’ a primer on concepts, purpose and business values 

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Vol 5.3 : Development work to formally represent CIMOSA models with XML syntax 

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Vol 5.2 : ICEIMT workshop focusing on user role and languages in enterprise modelling 

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Vol 5.1 :Enterprise models for operational decision support re-configurable by the user- status at FIAT. 

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